Srihari was born and raised in Balanagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. He started his career as a stunt fighter antagonist and subsequently went on to do some notable lead roles. After some years, he was introduced by well-known director Dasari Narayana Rao in 1986. His first movie as a hero was Police. His movie was the best opening ever for small budget films in the 1990s. He entered in telugu film industry in 1993 ,acted almost 93 films
He was married to actress, Disco Shanti in 1998 and has two sons and one daughter. The daughter, Akshara, died when she was four months old. Srihari started Akshara Foundation in her memory. He also adopted four villages in Medchal.
He died from liver alignment problems on October 9, 2013 in Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai, India.
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